And inside:
"To Janice,
So for many people, in many different ways, this last decade since the Millenium has been quite the roller coaster ride. We have all been grappling with so many different issues, on so many various levels.
I just hope we can all keep our heads and hearts in the right places, do the right thing and continue a long-lasting friendship that is hopefully deep-rooted enough, so as not to wither.
And may the New Year be kinder and gentler in spirit."
I was very touched by these words and I would say they describe the last couple of recent decades for me. Another dear friend recently commented that my blog seemed to project an ideal life. It isn't my intention and it certainly isn't true. It's more that I try to focus on upbeat things for the most part(...apart from the odd rant!).
I expect this decade will bring many calamities as well but perhaps sprinkled with some joyous occasions and happy experiences for some of us that we all can share in.
What we do have control over is to be "kinder and gentler in spirit" and hang tightly to family and friends.