We have decided that we should accomplish something when we're down here and while Jim doesn't have any pressing deadlines he is enjoying getting started on the Huxley bio. We've decided to set aside 3 hours a day at some point during the day. Work for me is painting, getting started on Yoga for my back and general flexibility, and learning some Spanish. I've got my painting set up permanently now and enjoyed playing around with the watercolours yesterday.
Jim has received some encouraging response for teaching at the University of Costa Rica in the winter so we plan to spend Feb/10 there even if nothing develops this year so we're both reading up on the country and working on our Spanish.
Funnily enough we seem to have quite a few contacts for information about the country. Tom and Claire, who we golf with down here (and in Victoria), have some good friends who are professors at the university. They met them a million years ago when they were all working in Columbia. Heather (in my bookclub) has a son who is currently spending a year there and they have visited the country. Katie and David's daughter, Vicky, spent a few months there recently as part of her gap year. Monique knows a couple who have spent quite a bit of time there and even are thinking of relocating there. And the list goes on!
My mini hair dryer is coming in handy again (Elaine used it when she was here) to dry the paint.
Kerry has been encouraging me to get into Yoga for over a year. I did manage to buy the videos she recommended and I bought this kit at Target for $20...pretty amazing value I think. It included the mat, DVD, ball, band, strap, chart, and info booklet.