Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Loving Carol's blog!

Carol is very good at taking instruction and I told her you really need to blog everyday to keep your bloggers interested so now I have a wonderful treat to look forward to every morning!  I love people who do what they are told....not that I'm one of them.

And I'm also glad to see her getting into taking her own photographs.  Since John was a professional photographer,  she left most  of this up to him.  Now also,  she has her iPad.  I doubt John would let her out of his sight with any of his many cameras!  Well,  perhaps the throw-away one...the one that he uses for shots where he might lose the camera.  It only cost around a thousand dollars as I remember.

And some of my favourite photos from her blog:

This from Seth Godin's blog which seems very apt:

In the old economy, social connection was done to us.
"There's nothing to do around here." "I'm bored." "Nothing's happening in this place."
You could whine about the fact that your college didn't have enough activities, or that the bar was 'dead'.
Today, though, the obligation is on us to make our own magic. To find two sticks and turn them into a game. To organize our own conversations, find our own connections... most of all, to bring generosity and energy to communities that don't have enough of either one.
Freedom and leverage is great, but it comes with responsibility. We're all curators/concierges/impresarios now.
If the association or the chat room or the street corner isn't what you need it to be, why not make it into the thing we're hoping for?