Sunday, August 30, 2015

Worst storm in years?

We seemed to have been under a protective halo!  I couldn't believe all the photos of downed trees and to hear that Stanley Park was closed yesterday.  Yesterday afternoon the wind got up but only seemed to last for about an hour.  I went out for a walk in the late afternoon and then we met Linda and Cec and Donna and Neil for dinner at Minerva's in Kerrisdale then back to Donna and Neil's for wonderful peach pie….yum….thank you Donna and Neil!

It wasn't' windy and didn't rain all that time where we were to the point that Jim and I didn't even take jackets.  Linda and Cec had lost their power in Surrey and today Linda sent me a photo of a tree that had come down next door to them.  It didn't even seem like we have got that much rain but perhaps the "deluge" will come today.  Very calm and blue sky at the moment.

A few photos from my walk yesterday.

 Interesting passenger!

 Wonderful floral display at English Bay.

These clouds looked threatening but not much rain really.