Friday, August 14, 2015

Ricki and the Flash….great fun.

Of course,  Meryl Streep was fabulous as she always is and such an interesting follow up to being the Iron Lady.  We hadn't gone down to International Villages to see a movie and get a bite since we came back from Palm Springs.  This is usually a "rainy day" program and those have certainly been rare this year.

Looks like the Catfé is going into the space where there was a  Chinese restaurant we really liked….wonderful hot and sour soup that really hit the spot on rainy days.  It will be a great space for Catfé and can't wait for it to open.

The International Villages seems to be doing very well and has a number of new places.  Also,  I was surprised to walk round past the food court and see all sorts of offices and stuff.  I guess we didn't realize this area was here.  I was quite amazed by all the carved wood.  Took some photos but some failure to import.