Friday, October 06, 2023

Blue lobsters...who knew?

As lover of lobsters I found this rather interesting. And blue and red are probably my two most favoutite colours. From "Interesting Facts" "The odds of finding a blue lobster are 1 in 2 million. The North Atlantic is filled with lobsters, and it’s been that way for millennia. In fact, the first European settlers who arrived in North America in the 17th century reported that heaps of lobsters — some in 2-foot piles — simply washed up along the shore, making the crustaceans a vital source of protein during those harsh New England winters. Fast-forward 400 years, and lobsters remain plentiful; by one estimate, the lobster industry catches some 200 million lobsters in the North Atlantic every year. Among those millions of lobsters are some truly eye-catching crustaceans — including the blue lobster, which is so rare that scientists estimate it’s a 1-in-2-million catch. Although such a rare find fetches a high price at the market, no evidence suggests that the blue lobsters (whose sapphire hue is caused by a genetic defect) taste any different than their normal-colored brethren."