Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Las Vegas

I'm not a fan of casinos and gambling but good on this casino to make sure the player got his money. We have enjoyed going to casinos for the cheap meals and entertainment but aren't tempted by the gambling. Once, we decided to use whatever change we had to play some slots because we had had a wonderful meal for almost nothing.We had three nickels which we eventually lost.Jim got a big payout of nickles in his first try and needed a bucket for them. I imagine there aren't too many people who have just lost 15 cents to gambling. People seem to tell you what they won not what they lost. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/06/us/missed-jackpot-malfunction-casino-game-trnd/index.html?utm_term=16442336179965e02b5e9b50d&utm_source=cnn_Five+Things+for+Monday%2C+February+7%2C+2022&utm_medium=email&bt_ee=TuoDuD8seDMmHSB3ydQDEWC5MOm2LZYRygE8%2BKjzmkYeDH4H1ZV2kYe%2BODoyp%2BeH&bt_ts=1644233617998