Saturday, November 28, 2020

Thanksgiving in Paris...from "My Part-Time Paris Life"

 Well, I could certainly substitute this wonderful shellfish for turkey any old day!

‘Til the season! Not Thanksgiving—this is bounty of the shellfish kind. Seen at Clamato on Rue de Charonne on my Thanksgiving Day walk in Paris. ©Lisa Anselmo

This Thanksgiving is not a usual one for many people. There were those who found themselves on their own, due to Covid restrictions—possibly for the first time ever. 

I was also on my own this year, but it wasn’t the first time. In the years immediately following my mother’s death, I would take advantage of the long Thanksgiving weekends to fly to Paris to see friends. At that time, none of my Paris friends were American, so I didn’t celebrate the day. And it didn’t bother me. In fact, it helped me to forget that I wasn’t celebrating with Ma.

Rest of the post here: