Thursday, November 26, 2020

Ian Forsyth takes wonderful photos of Vancouver Heritage Homes

 I’ve been wanting to photograph the area close to City Hall for months. It really has some of the most beautiful restored homes all in one place outside of Mole Hill. One big difference is that this street and the others around it are all private residences, these restorations are because of the owner’s initiative, and I can’t even begin to think what a restoration and renovation of homes the size of these would be, but I’m thinking the size of them must make it worthwhile financially, and the beauty and heritage value of the finished product is priceless.

Next up will be the 100 block of West 10th, which has several homes that are amongst the city’s oldest, built in the 1890s, most beautifully restored, many by the Davis family starting back in the 1980s, that will be a treat to visit.