Tuesday, February 04, 2020

My "young" bookclub

I was the host Sunday and we all have a lot of fun even though I'm the oldster at 72. They are in their 50's and still working...all working in the Vancouver School District as Speech and Language Pathologists. Liz, the daughter of old friends in Victoria, used to babysit Richard. We have reconnected since we moved to Vancouver.

We are almost one of these bookclubs that sometimes don't get around to discussing the book much. It begins at 1pm and we have lunch. Everyone brings something...always lots of food. When Jim came home around 4pm we had just started to discuss the book.

There are always some things that come up that make me realize we really are of different generations. They didn't know that the local newspapers used to do things like free swimming lessons and a fishing derby (the Sun) and the bridge tournament the Province sponsored. At the last meeting one of the members almost passed out when she saw all the single-use plastic containers that held various dessert stuff I had bought. Single-use containers, especially plastic, are a complete no-no.

They are very good at helping clear the table and deal with food scraps but I had to confess I don't do that. I justified  it by saying I had a compost and did the green thing with all food and garden stuff for 40 years when it wasn't mandatory . They're pretty good at cutting me some slack.

It's good to be reminded of things I don't think about too much.