Saturday, February 15, 2020

Celery top soup

We've been eating a lot of celery lately with our before dinner aperatif instead of having nuts or unhealthy stuff. So, I have all these celery tops and thinking you should be able to make something out of them.

So googled and brought this very simple recipe up...not much in the way of quantities.  I kind of like that about it. We'll see how it goes. Guess I'll use what's around.


Chop the celerytops and scallions and saute ..add a big peeled, cubed Russet potato, some garlic, chicken broth and simmer until everything is nice and tender and soupy. Add a little cream Puree...

So, it turned out really well and I loved using up these celery tops!

My Recipe:

4 cups chicken stock
one small onion
celery tops from two stalks
1 large cubed Russet potato
1 large carrot (I didn't use this but will add it next time)
4-5 cloves garlic
1/2 cup 2% milk
1 tsp Italian or Herbes de Provence seasoning

Then basically follow the original recipe in terms of cooking.

I have a recipe for Celery and Stilton Soup so I will crumble in some Stilton next time. I was going to make this soup so I bought some Stilton then we ate all the celery....

 The final product.