Sunday, September 10, 2017

Thinking about Palm Springs....

Now that we've both been cleared with health issues our PS plans are in place for the first round.  We leave Oct 28 and return Christmas day.   Then we'll head back down mid Jan to beginning April.

I get FB stuff from PS and I guess I clicked on something about Rose Mallet who is a singer we really enjoy hearing when we're in PS.  I got a friend request from her so now I'm getting some interesting posts.  This came up romantic!

THE MAN IN MY LIFE: I recently posted an announcement of my new journey. Some will be curious as to who won my heart. This will be my last post about him in this manner, so we can further elevate each other in private. This is how Myron Taylor commented to my announcement - an insight into who he is, and why I'm captured:
Fly me to the moon as i've been kissed by a "Rose"...
Our journeys has brought us here from learning from our past to move us forward and beyond. 
The Universe has blessed me for surrendering to the man I am and gifting me with someone who speaks to my soul, my spirit, my being and most importantly my heart. 
I share my joy from a place I've longed for in my aloneness. I have arrived knowing how special this is with Rose. She is the light of the morning sunshine, the sky that illuminates over green pastures, the showers nurturing from the depths above feeding my soul and the woman I embrace in my world to grow to heights unknown.
She is Rose...
Laws of attraction alive and active with the abundance gratitude at work.