Friday, September 11, 2015

Australia has this right…why can't we do this in Canada?

Letter to the editor in The Vancouver Sun today:

Here in Australia, the national minimum wage is $17.29 but there are many additional benefits. For instance an additional 9.5 per cent of salary must be paid into the employee’s retirement fund. Casual employees receive an additional loading of at least 25 per cent, meaning that the minimum wage for casual staff is $21.61 per hour (and the 9.5 per cent is also added to that). 
Services, like restaurant meals, are probably a touch more expensive here, but as we do not generally tip, the net cost to the customer is probably lower. 
Paying people properly seems a much better approach than forcing people to rely on tips. Surely a rich country like Canada can afford to pay everyone a living wage.
Blaxland, NSW, Australia