"For Rich’s birthday I decided to create a beer brand and label for the home brew that he’s been cooking up since the summer. The first batch was named after our softball team, the Re-Ups, but we all agreed that the beer should be its own thing. I batted a couple of ideas about and settled on the name Huxley’s Home Brew in honour of Aldous Huxley and Rich’s Dad who is a Huxley scholar. I also thought about calling it Lamey’s Mill Brewery after the street that Rich lives on and even designed labels and caps for that name, however, I had an idea that Rich would prefer Huxley’s because of the reference and because it was important to refer to the home brew since the beer is actually brewed in a closet in his apartment. So, Huxley’s it is.
I also made up a flash timer that tells when the next batch is done, so let the countdown begin!"
bravenewbeer.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)
I made up some fridge magnets for Richard and his friends. I expect to get some of that beer!
Janos has a cool blog at: