Sunday, July 24, 2005

The wonderful world of Technicolor

Richard has enjoyed his first week at Technicolor and loves being able to see and work with the “dailies”, the raw footage of film that they transfer to video and log so the director can see what needs to be done for the next day of filming. They get footage of things like X Men 3 and also very bad films (one that Bert Reynolds is currently starring in), commercials, etc.

It's quite different from computer programming where you do a lot of sitting around and thinking. This job is very much "in the moment" and keeping mentally alert as you deal with the tidal wave of footage. He's on the night shift's a 24/7 operation because the equipment is so expensive and cutting edge. He says it's rather surreal in that all night films arrive via taxi packaged in pizza boxes. Who knew?

His last course for his B.A. is going to be "Introduction to Poetry" and he's taking it online because of the shiftwork and overtime. One of the assignments is to write a "found poem"...he's already collecting things from his Technicolor experience!