Friday, July 08, 2005

The best birthday ever!

Yesterday we came into Vancouver to celebrate my birthday with Richard and just as he was arriving at our hotel he received the call that he got the job at Technicolor!
We were all thrilled. He will start as a Technical Assistant to the Colourist. The company is in expansion mode and assured him he will have excellent advancement opportunities. So, using his computer skills, learning new things, and being in the movie business...his dream. Their offices are in Yaletown so he can take the Aquabus from his new apartment on Granville Island. A great working and living situation especially since he thought he might have to go to Toronto eventually to get a good job...ugh.

Congratulations, Richard!

We celebrated with Bruichladdich Islay Sinlge Malt Whiskey...a super gift for our birthdays from Don and Elaine. Thanks, guys, it couldn't have come at a better time.
We loved the cards!