Monday, June 13, 2005

As the world turns...

Travel and talking to people who travel or live in other places is always interesting because of the various perspectives it brings.

It was interesting being in France when the vote on the EU constitution was taken. Many of the French were very concerned about losing their wide ranging social benefits and more relaxed way of life. One fellow being interviewed said something like this:

"The English and the Americans work like dogs...we don't want to be like that. I want to go home and drink wine with my wife, dine, go to the theatre, go on long, no, we don't want to work like dogs. Life wouldn't be worth living."

The French definitely have a point.

The Dutch also voted no and they were very concerned about the influx country of people, especially Muslims, who don't understand and accept their "free" way of life. They have created a video that depicts the special hallmarks of Dutch society that all potential immigrants must watch....footage of people smoking up in pot cafés, nude beaches etc. Except that the Muslims were outraged by the nudity so they actually made a special Muslim versiion without the nudity. Seems to be a bit of a disconnect there!

And this from a friend who lives in Philadelphia now. The city wanted to pass a bylaw that limited gun buying to one gun, per person, per month. The bylaw was voted down. My goodness, what on earth do people do with all these guns?