Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Identifying Pictures

It's difficult to label these pictures now that they're posted so I'll try to go in order starting with the one directly below...I also can't see them now so they may get out of order...

* Carasol in Sanary 'le petit prince airplane'...we all commented on how charming these carasols are and how plentiful

* Jim, Alan, and Susan...Carqueiranne beach

* Fish market, Sanary

* enjoying a meal in our back garden

* Hotel Splendid- balcony of our favourite room overlooking....

* our favourite beach

* 17th century country home/vinyard of our landlords

* Painting Francoise did of the home

* Sea urchin festival

* landlord's vinyard

* sea urchin fishermen preparing their wares

* campanile in Cuers

* my favourite dog in Carqueiranne market

* painting of Carqueiranne market

* painting of a wall mural

* Robin the cat neighbourhood cat leaving disdainfully