Sunday, August 31, 2003

What I've been reading lately.

"The Murder Room" by P.D. James. Up to expectations. What a treat to get another book from her considering her age. She is so wonderful at creating atmosphere.

"Black Bird" by Michel Basilieres. Macabre and very funny story. Very critical of Quebec - I can understand why the author lives in Toronto now. Another one of these very good first novels - how do they do it? The pet crow character is wonderful especially the scene where she plucks out the eye of a very nasty man about to do her harm. The description of the crow swooping behind the ambulance, finding the man's hospital room and standing guard is wonderful. The man who now has one eye wakes up to looking through his remaining eye to see this crow pressing one eye against the hospital window. Only the crow's eye is visible as it is winter and the window is frosty. "A short cawing like laughter is often heard from the crow."

"The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown. A really fun to read mystery come thriller. Also makes some interesting comments about the validity of what we feel is historical fact. Very cleverly done.