Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Life is….

Local cherries a week early,  warm ocean early…can it get any better than this!

My Dad always took the first two weeks of July off so we could go camping in Penticton.  And it was cherry season.  We often just had freshly picked cherries and corn on the cob for dinner….the best dinner going for me as a kid.

We always just had a tent and even that was a financial sacrifice.  I remember the first year we did this our parents told my brother and I that we could only afford a tent,  a coleman stove,  and a cooler.  My mom made "sleeping bags" from blankets and my Dad got hold of a bunch of inner tubes that we used as air mattresses….3 tied together.  The next year we got sleeping bags and the year after that air mattresses.  But we still took up a lot of inner tubes since they were so much fun to have in the lake.

The rest of the summer we would go to Stanley Park for Sunday picnics…Second Beach or Lumberman's Arch usually.  And no parking fees.  I see it costs $3.25 an hour for summer parking.