Sunday, April 14, 2024

NASA and Nessie

From: Nice News This is all quite fascinating to me. NASA and Nessie...who would have guessed they would be linked together. "A large-scale hunt for Nessie will take place this May and June (Image: Loch Ness Centre) The Loch Ness Centre has announced a brand new search for the Loch Ness Monster, and has called on NASA to lend its expertise. In 2023, the newly revamped research centre launched a large-scale hunt for Nessie that saw hundreds of in-person and virtual volunteers search the famous waters of the loch. Following multiple potential sightings and reports of strange noises heard from the depths, it is returning with an even bigger search next month. Set to take place between May 30 and June 2, the Loch Ness Centre is once again looking for budding monster hunters to take part in the search. This year, however, organisers are also asking for experts to lend a hand. As well as scientists and universities, the research centre has called on the pioneers of exploration at NASA to provide equipment and expertise. By using state-of-the-art technology, the Loch Ness Centre is hoping to uncover the mysteries of Loch Ness once and for all.