Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Good on Paris!

OPINION / ANDREW MUELLER In wheel danger "E-scooters were always an answer to a question that presumably nobody had asked: “What would be an efficient way of making life for pedestrians miserable at best, dangerous at worst?” They have been a blight upon every city on which they have descended. In use, they are a nuisance and a menace. When stationary, they’re ugly and obstructive litter. By declaring a stop to this nonsense, Paris has set what will hopefully be a resonant example. City authorities have confirmed that they intend to abide by a yay or nay referendum on rented scooters held earlier this year, in which 90 per cent of an admittedly small turnout voted for their abolition. Operators Lime, Dott and Tier have until this Friday to get their 15,000 pestilential contraptions, known locally as trottinettes, off the boulevards. It has to be hoped that this is only a start – regrettably, it remains legal to ride privately owned e-scooters in Paris while Lime, Dott and Tier plan to deploy their machines to pester other French cities instead."