Saturday, August 05, 2023

Paris without the bouquinistes

We had such fun perusing the stock of the bouquinistes on our trips to Paris. I do understand how they could be a security risk. I would love to see a solution and one that might help the owners of these wonderful bookshops. Perhaps images could be projected and customers could buy online. From "The Monocle Minute" "On different pages No trip to Paris is complete without perusing the book stalls that line the Seine – but next year’s Olympics have put the iconic stands in danger. There are about 230 booksellers along a 3km stretch of the river, making it Europe’s largest open-air book market. These bouquinistes have been told that, as a result of security issues, about 170 of the stalls will be required to dismantle and potentially move for at least two weeks during next year’s event. It is not just a loss of income that will affect the riverfront kiosks; some are worried that moving could cause permanent damage. “Not only will their bookcases crumble like dust as soon as they are removed but many Parisians also worry that the bouquinistes won’t be able to recover,” Agnès Poirier, a journalist and the author of Notre-Dame: The Soul of France, tells The Monocle Minute. Some vendors have vowed to resist, even threatening to barricade themselves in front of their stalls. Now that would be one for the books."