Saturday, May 15, 2021

Problems with Blogger

I received 7 messages about 7 blog posts that were removed. Part of the message was:

“Why was your blog post deleted?

   Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

   We encourage you to review the full content of your blog posts to make sure they are in line with our standards as additional violations could result in termination of your blog.

 For more information, please review the following resources:”


I made a note of the Blog posts deleted:

Walking in the sunshine

The 5 minute Christmas tree

Reading Katherine Mansfield again

Enjoying The Sylvia

Van Gogh Immersive experience

Itty Bitty Book Review Midnight Train 

Baseball Begins

I didn’t click on anything and then received the message from Richard that these emails seemed suspicious. He created my blog and takes care of technical stuff.

Then very soon after I picked up these messages I got 7 messages about the 7 blog posts saying they had been re-evaluated and the posts had been restored and added a link to them. I didn't want to use the link so Richard looked them up and saw that they were restored.

Richard thinks things are ok and I can continue to use Blogger.  There really isn't any support in any form now and he feels that's because it is a free service and they have a very small staff so mistakes like this can get made. The free ride probably won't last and then he can migrate it all to Wordpress. I'm so familiar with Blogger that I really don't want to learn something new at this time.