Sunday, May 09, 2021

Off to McCleery Golf Course to get "martini tees"

 Jim likes to tee his golf ball up quite high and is always breaking the high wooden tees he uses. His golf partner on Wednesay introduced him to this high tee made of hard plastic and gave him one to keep. It lasted the 18 holes and looks like it could be good for a number of rounds. The University Golf Club doesn't stock them so that's why we went to MCleery. They are two bucks a pop but if they last they will seem cheap at the price.

The Clubhouse and outdoor patio. 

I was curious about this sign. Is it pre or post Dr. Bonnie Henry?  Jim recounted an anecdote I hadn't heard before. He was playing at McCleery with his brother, Ian, and some other people and luckily Ian stooped to pick up a ball just as a drive went whizzing by him. That should never have happened but Ian got lucky.  And the guy didn't even yell "fore".

And then we went for a walk at Jericho Beach and chatted with a fellow who just came out of the ocean. He goes swimming every day. His wife doesn't join him. We talked a bit of French with them as she was from Montreal. And then Jim talked a bit of Spanish with a fellow from Mexico City.