Thursday, August 06, 2020

Back to school...

Teachers always give a shudder when the first "Back to School" ads appear. Every year they seemed to get earlier. I'm glad I'm not going back to school this year. It's going to be tough on everyone...students, teachers, and parents. I do think it's important for kids to have some kind of normalcy like school but there are certainly risks for everyone. I wish everyone well in meeting this challenge.

Everyone will be looking forward to when going to school is "normal" again.  I saw a fellow being interviewed in Florida about the Tropical Storm Isaias and he commented that it was almost a good thing since it gave some normalcy compared to the pandemic. They are used to tropical storms and hurricanes.

There is one "back to school" day I'll never forget. Richard was a toddler and I had a .38 assignment at a new school. This worked out to three mornings a week.  The tradition at this school was to have a staff meeting at 7am, then have all the students have full classes, have department meetings, then another staff meeting which lasted until 6:30pm.  Now, that was a long day for a .38 salary.