Thursday, September 05, 2019

"The Library Book" by Susan Orlean

For everyone who loves libraries you just have to read this book. A million holds, of course.  I know I'm going to have to return it before I finish it and I want to savour it so have ordered a copy. I want to have my own anyway.

It is partly about the Los Angeles Public Library fire that destroyed the library April 29, 1986 but also  about so much more. The library received notes of condolences from libraries all over the world.

At the moment when I wrote this blog post I just finished reading a section that deals with all the many book burnings all over the world and in various times in history. More than one could ever almost imagine, really.

Most will be familiar with Ray Bradbury's" Farenheit 451" which deals with book burning. Bradbury had four daughters and found it difficult to write at home and spent more time playing with his children than writing. He couldn't afford an office but knew of a room in UCLA's Powell Library, where typewriters could be rented for ten cents an hour. He like the idea of writing a novel about book burning in a library. Over the course of 9 days he completed his original story expanding it into a short novel which he ended up calling "Farenheit 451" instead of "The Fireman" which was his original working title. He spent $9.80 on the typewriter rental.

Just a taste of all the wonderful stuff in the book!