Sunday, May 14, 2017

Richard comes bearing wonderful gifts....

Richard brought flowers and brunch over today from Reinhardt's....yum,  yum, yum...all sorts of goodies!   Afterwards I drove him over to Grace's mom's where Grace is making her traditional Mother's Day paella.  On the way (a bit of a detour) we decided to drop by Jim's family's old house (now a big new house which Jim and I had seen before) and my old family house which is still the same amazingly.  I hadn't  been past for a number of years.  I pointed out to him where the white picket fence was that I was paid $5 to paint and the hardtop and basketball hoop and where the vacant lot with the black water tower (painted black from silver in WW II apparently so bombers couldn't spot it) where we played scrub baseball every day after more water tower,  no more vacant lot.

You are a wonderful son and we love you dearly.

Richard concocting a special strawberry ginger ale drink.

This is the new house that replaced Jim's family's old house.  The next photo is of one of the original houses on the street.   They all looked pretty much the same.

Our old family house.  It looks pretty much the same except there wasn't a fence in the front yard.  The laurel hedge seems to be no more.  Linda,  do you remember us making "cigarettes" out of the dried laurel leaves and rolled the "tobacco" in a green leaf?  Not very successful as a smoke.  Carol,  I think you were too sensible to join us in such pursuits :)