Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Greg Girard photo exhibit

We went to see his photo exhibit today.  It's always a bit of an adventure actually finding this gallery but it's an interesting drive and we also saw the partially completed Emily Carr University.  We enjoyed the photos but it was a pretty small show.  After the interview I mentioned in my last post I was expecting more of the working waterfront.  Perhaps some have been sold and taken away?

This photo reminded me that it wasn't that long ago that there were "Men" and "Ladies and Escorts" entrances and sections in bars.  In my first teaching job in Victoria at Shoreline School,  the men were always trying to get one of us "ladies" to go with them to the Gorge Pub  so they could sit in the Ladies and Escorts section which was nicer.  We didn't have to stay but just had to get them in. There also wasn't any food allowed in pubs then other than picked eggs and potato chips and nuts.  A great thing about the Gorge Pub was there was a great fish and chip place across the street and they allowed  you to bring in the food.  Expo "86 brought all the new relaxed drinking laws as the argument was international tourists just wouldn't be able to understand or cope with the restrictions.  And...the world didn't fall apart so the new regulations stayed.

Some of Emily Carr University construction.