Thursday, October 04, 2012

A Bookshop Idyll

Enjoying McEwan's "Sweet Tooth" and just had to look up a reference to Kingsley Amis' poem "A Bookshop Idyll" about men and women's divergent tastes.  Of course,  it was readily available and also a YouTube of Amis reading it....ah,  what would we do without all this stuff?

Kingsley Amis

A Bookshop Idyll

Between the gardening and the cookery
    Comes the brief poetry shelf;
By the Nonesuch Donne, a thin anthology
    Offers itself.

Critical, and with nothing else to do,
    I scan the Contents page,
Relieved to find the names are mostly new;
    No one my age.

Like all strangers, they divide by sex:
    Landscape near Parma
Interests a man, so does The Double Vortex,
    So does Rilke and Buddha.

'I travel, you see', 'I think' and 'I can read'
    These titles seem to say;
But I Remember You, Love is my Creed,
    Poem for J.,

The ladies' choice, discountenance my patter
    For several seconds;
From somewhere in this (as in any) matter
    A moral beckons.

Should poets bicycle-pump the human heart
    Or squash it flat?
Man's love is of man's life a thing apart;
    Girls aren't like that.

We men have got love well weighed up; our stuff
    Can get by without it.
Women don't seem to think that's good enough;
    They write about it,

And the awful way their poems lay open
    Just doesn't strike them.
Women are really much nicer than men:
    No wonder we like them.

Deciding this, we can forget those times
    We sat up half the night
Chockfull of love, crammed with bright thoughts,
    names, rhymes,
    And couln't write.