600ft jellyfish crop circle found in Oxfordshire field - Telegraph
These circles are certainly rather baffling. Wikipedia has quite a bit of info. I rather liked this bit:
"In 2002, Freddy Silva published Secrets in the Fields (2002).[37] He paraphrases Gerald Hawkins' summary: "If crop circles are made by hoaxers, then they should stop doing it, because they are breaking the law and damaging the food supply. If they are made by UFO aliens, they shouldn't give us back the dates of our trips to Mars and the names of the men from the Titanic era – famous, clever, but now forgotten. If some are transcendental, the power behind it should realize that our culture is not now willing to accept transcendental happenings. But if they are indeed transcendental, then society will have to make a big adjustment in the years ahead."