Jim and Ann invited us and other friends for lunch at the James Joyce Bistro Sunday. It was a really fun and interesting group to chat with sitting amidst all this wonderful artwork that Robert Amos has produced for the bistro...the tables and bar with quotes from Ulysses and Finnegan's Wake and paintings and design work everywhere. And a special treat was Robert was in the group and talked about the artwork and his friendship with Dave Peacock and their obsession with Joyce. The food was great and I do recommend having a meal here.
Peacock Billiards and James Joyce BistroAfterwards we dropped by Jim and Ann's RV that they have parked in the West Bay Marina for the past couple of months. They have a fabulous view and are very cosy there. Ann and Jim live in Sequim but enjoy coming to Victoria and they have loved being on the harbour. They are the folks who have that very neat boathouse we stayed in on Lake Sutherland a few years back.

Robert talking about his artwork and love of Joyce.

Some of Robert's creations.