June 7, 1976
Dear Mom & Dad,
Arrived at Annecy a few days ago and we’re all settled into our apartment. It’s a beautiful apartment, very large, nicely decorated, and with a fireplace. It belongs to two teachers who are away at the present time. The apartment is rith on the lake and we have a magnificent view of the lake and mountains. Monique certainly wasn’t exaggerating when she said that Annecy is the most beautiful city in France.
Monique’s parents are extremely nice and have taken us around by car and had us over for dinner yesterday. They have a lovely apaartment all furnished with beautiful antiques. We had a fantastic meal. We began with cold cuts of a saucage that is a speciatly of the area and a paté. After that, a salad of tomatoes, eggs, and onions with a delicious sauce with a mustard base. The main course was a roast of pork stuffed with prunes - extremely delicious. After that, a cheese that is a specialty of the region, and then fresh strawberries marinated in wine. The French certainly know how to eat!
Except for the occasional special meal, we’ve been eating very moderately. And I’ve actually been losing weight! There is a tennis club very close to our apartment which we have joined for one third the normal price because of our International Student Card. There is a golf course nearby which is half price to students as well. Being a student in France certainly pays off.
We have a heated pool very close which we probably make use of, although the weather has been very warm and Monique thinks the lake should be warm enough to swim in in a few days.
It’s really nice to get up in the morning and watch the swans and ducks in the lake, usually there is the occasional fisherman, sailboats, row boats, etc. Lake Annecy is the cleanest water in all of France. The city itself is immaculately clean and is famous for being the most flowered city in all of France. There are lovely canals through the city that are bordered with flowers and the swans add the finishing touch.
We went to Cannes before going to Bandol to meet Monique and we were very fortunate to find an apartment for July and August at a reasonable price. Monique was surprised because Cannes is one of the most popular places in Europe. Our apartment is very close to the college where we’ll be taking our course. The college itself is very nice, set among Palm trees etc. and we’re looking forward to our course.
We’re thinking now that we might stay in Cannes for Sept. as well instead of travelling around Italy as we will probably be quite tired and it’s going to be rather hectic moving to Oregon and getting settled. Just before we left Vancouver we heard that we got an apartment in the married student housing. That was good news as now we don’t have to worry about getting a place down there.
So far, things have been working out very well. Hopefully, they will continue to do so. I’m writing this letter from the balcony of our apartment. The sun is beautifully warm and the lake is a wonderful turquoise colour. I’ve never seen a lake quite that colour before.
That’s about all the news for now. Looking forward to hearing some news about the home front. Monique sends her regards. Say hello to Craig.
Love, Jim and Janice
Very similar to our view from the apartment.
Overview of Lac d'Annecy and the surrounding mountains.
The old town of Annecy and one of the canals.
When we were in Cannes in May the film festival was going on. The poster is from "All the Presidents Men".