And the most amazing thing to the technically challenged like myself is the whole process is idiot proof. Anyone who has struggled with programming a VCR must get this technology just to enjoy the process! For example, once you subscribe to a podcast with one little click, your computer will then download the radio programs when they become available. You plug in your iPod when you feel like it and it transfers the broadcasts to it. Dead easy...I love it!
I see Apple released a new iPod today that does video now although being black and white and on a very small screen I think it will need to get a little better before I would be interested in that one. It's got great potential as Apple has done a deal whereby you'll be able to buy TV episodes the day after they are aired for as little as $1.99. The deal isn't with Home Box Office so we won't be getting the Sopranos the next day but who knows what they will negotiate next. For more info on the new iPod
I thought the packaging of the iPod was very cool..a black box with white lettering very reminicent of the NEXT computer packaging. Steve Jobs got it right this time for the package and the product.
Well...I was going to post pix of the packages but Blogger doesn't seem to be doing that at the moment. I'll try again
tomorrow morning.