Saturday, January 22, 2005

Robbie Burn's Dinner

I think it's close to 20 years that we have been celebrating Robbie Burn's birthday with Don and Elaine. We began doing it at each other's houses (even went very unauthentic one year and went out for sushi!). Jim borrowed a kilt and read the address to the Haggis the first time. Since then Bill Thomas (we raised a glass to him last night) fitted him out in the whole regalia and this year Susan knit him some authentic kilt hose! For the last 10 years or so we've been going to the Union Club and really enjoying it. Some pictures from last night.

Jim and his new socks...thanks, Susan!

Every year they have something a little different for the decorations. This year they had these drawings matched with Burn's poems. Jim read them to us in his Scottish brogue.

Most of us can relate to this one!

Jim and me.

Elaine, Laborio, Stella, Jim

Jim, me, Don

Judge Gow bringing in the Haggis

Highland Dancers

The Sailor's Hornpipe...she was terrific!