Friday, January 28, 2005

Mediterranean blues

Reading "The French Riviera: A Literary Guide for Travellers" by Ted Jones and loved this description of winter on the Mediterranean by Lady Margaret Brewster 150 years ago:

"The sea here is certainly at times bluer than the bluest of other seas, but it is not at its loveliest phase, on the contrary, the greatest charm of the Mediterranean seems to me to be the esquisite variety; there is the lilac, the stony grey, the bleu foncé, the pale blue flushed with rose, the milkiness, as if it were the milky way, the sheet of silver, - and that I think is the most beautiful, for the sky then is silvered blue also, and yet the sun so bright, and clear that you can scarcely believe the colour is not the usual sky blue."

Yes...and great for amateur painters who can't mix paint colours very well...almost any colour one chooses will end up being what the Mediterranean looks like some of the time!