Tuesday, November 16, 2004


I began reading Wayson Choy's new book "All That Matters" and it seems like it's going to be a real treat. Inspired me to drop by Chinatown and take some pictures and to buy some bar-b-q duck for dinner. There certainly are great values in Chinatown for just about everything, but I am always taken somewhat aback by the brusque manner of serving the public of some merchants.

Very much a cultural difference from France. There, even if you're buying one small petit four you will greeted with "Bonjour, madam", "Vous desirez, madam?", "Merci, madame", "Au revoir, madame" etc. And this small pastry will be carefully put into a pretty box and tied with a ribbon and a bow. You'd think you were purchasing the crown jewels!

Some photos of Chinatown