Monday, October 18, 2004

Atwood is still noble to me.

Well, Atwood didn't win the Nobel prize and I guess they won't be picking another left wing woman soon. Seems like this Austrian WON it because she is anti-American. Times have changed...Graham Greene probably DIDN'T WIN it because he was anti-American. My cousin, John, sent me this story that I found very amusing:

"As I read through your blog I remembered an incident while I was working at
the Edmonton Journal, 1968 or so, when a young woman came into the office
to have her picture taken. It was just a mug shot to go with the
announcement that she had been appointed to something or other at the U of
A. I took her picture and because of a directive from the brass, that we
were not to use the term Ms and that every woman would have her name in the
paper with a Miss or Mrs in front of it -- you might remember that hassles
that occurred over Ms -- I asked her, "is that Miss or Mrs?". She looked at
me and said nothing. I tried looking at her hands but couldn't see a ring
and asked again. Again she said nothing but she was begining to get testy.

I glanced towards the man she was with, who was an age that would qualify
him as possibly being her husband. His face gave me no clue to his status
so I asked this woman for a third time if she was Miss or Mrs. This time
she replied, but with a tone of voice and look that I imagine was something
like what the first Elizabeth used as she sent a man away to be drawn and
quartered. "It's Margaret" and then after a very long pause in which she,
I'm sure, in her imagination, pulled out my guts and fed them to a dog,
"Atwood." and that's how she appeared in the paper. If I remember right I
was accused of being a wimp for not pressing the issue further but I think
in hindsite, knowing now who she became, I was really quite brave entering
into the battle at all."