Thursday, January 09, 2003

I've really got into Emily Carr since taking the course on Kahlo, O'Keeffe, and Carr. One thing our teacher showed us some examples of was a calendar that Carr made with cartoons and comments from her dog, Billie. I really wondered why someone hasn't published this...there's an amazing amount of stuff in our local archives on Carr and they have the complete calendar online. I'll try to make a link and also write out the "wisdom by Billie" for January. (I couldn't scan it very well). The link seems to get you to the archives but then you'll have to search.

JANUARY Our studio reopens after Xmas vacation - all feeling after-Xmassy and rotton - Missus and I headaches, the fool parrot girls colds, and the pupils party bedraggled and peevish. Don't think much of Xmas. Don't think much of anybody. Don't think any of us will live long anyway. What's the good of anything. Men are brutes. Leastways C.P.R. men putting dogs down on cold rheumatic wind-swept lower decks when they travel with their missus holidaying - Bit the post-man today and feel better.