Sunday, January 12, 2003

A few things I've been reading lately.

"The Lost Garden" by Helen Humphreys. Quite a quick read and fairly interesting. I don't think it was quite as successful as "Afterimage". Story of a botanist (shy, introverted) leading a group of Landgirls in WW II.

"Pause" An Emily Carr Sketchbook. Based on her experiences when she spent 18 months in a sanitorium in England. Very amusing text and cartoons.

"Open" by Lisa Moore. Read the first short story called "Melody". Pretty interesting writer with potential. I can see why it won a Giller nomination. Rather a quirky tone, which I like.

"The Rhinestone Button" by Gail Anderson-Dargatz. A pretty interesting story and captures the farming life, evangelical preachers, etc. I really do like the way she weaves an image though - this time with the colours Job "hears" - tornado at the end very well done and effective wrapping of the book.

"Life of Pi" by Yann Martel. This year's Booker winner. Might be o.k. if I was in the mood. I don't appear to be so stopped reading it...but I do admit there is a cleverness.

"The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold. Another one of those first novel hits it big. Pretty good start for a new writer I would say.

"I, Richard" Elizabeth George. Some short stories pretty obviously churned out for money - probably reworks of early stuff as it seems pretty clumsy. The introductions to them are the best part. Only suffered through a couple.