Tuesday, August 02, 2011

A lively visit with the Horne family!

David and Katie (Richard was ringbearer at their wedding) from London came to visit on B.C. Day with their daughters, Madsy and Vicky and Madsie's friend, Rosie. Katie's sister Liz (Richard's old babysitter) also came and Richard came too bringing a pail of freshly picked berries which everyone scarfed down in no time! Thank you, Richard! David had warned Rosie that "it would be lively!" and so it was. We always have such a super time with this family and this year we got to see them twice since we were in London in November.

The girls arrived a few days earlier and stayed with their Aunt Liz and took in the fireworks, the Pride Parade, and of course lots of shopping. We were really pleased that the girls and Richard all wanted to go swimming and they had a great time. We've been swimming in the ocean pretty much everyday now for the last couple of weeks. They went to the little beach right across from us which is always great no matter what the tide since it drops off quickly. The other day I heard someone on their phone saying "I'm at this little paradise beach in Stanley Park"....yes...paradise it is!

Congratulations to Madsy who won a place at Edinburgh University to do English and Spanish! She also did this wonderful painting for a final project at her school and I hope she'll send me a copy via email...wow! Vicky is doing French, Spanish and Arabic at St. Andrews and she's coming up for her year abroad...Sept-Dec in Cairo and then to Santiago de Compostela in Spain for Jan - May. Sounds like a super year coming up for them both!

Jim and Liz.

Rosie, Madsy, Katie, Vicky.

At our little paradise beach.

Me, Katie and David.

Richard, Katie, and David.