Monday, July 29, 2024

Hedy Lamarr, the inventor

Quite amazing and so unknown...first I heard of her being such an important inventor. From: Interesting Facts Hedy Lamarr During her Hollywood heyday, Hedy Lamarr was known as “the most beautiful woman in the world,” a designation that ignored the impressive brain power behind those green eyes. Determined to aid the Allied cause during World War II, Lamarr teamed with composer George Antheil to devise a radio transmission technique that defied enemy disruption efforts by randomly jumping to different frequencies. Although it was initially dismissed by the U.S. Navy, the secret communication system is now recognized as a precursor to the wireless technology that fills our everyday lives. Lamarr also dabbled in more mundane creations, like an improved stoplight and dog collar, and was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2014.