Wednesday, July 05, 2023

My favourite flower is doing good work!

"Globally 1 in 7 of us live with a disability. And of those, 80% are invisible. That is over 1 billion people who are living with a non-visible disability. What disability is not visible? While some of us experience a disability that is visible, many of us have a non-visible disability that is not immediately apparent to others. These can be temporary, situational or permanent. They can be neurological, cognitive and neurodevelopmental as well as physical, visual, auditory and including sensory and processing difficulties. They also include respiratory, rare diseases and chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes. As diverse as these conditions are, so are your individual access needs and the barriers you face in your daily life. So you can opt to wear the Sunflower to discreetly be seen in shops, at work, on transport, or in public spaces. A list of invisible disabilities At Hidden Disabilities Sunflower, we believe that the more we all understand about non-visible disabilities, the more we can help to improve the lives of people experiencing them. So to raise awareness of the wide range of non-visible disabilities that our Sunflower wearers experience, we are building an index of disabilities that have few or no outwards visible signs. Alongside the Sunflower training we provide, you can now explore how you can support Sunflower wearers and consider workplace accommodations for your colleagues and customers based on their specific invisible disability."