Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Photos....who knew?

I did find this rather amazing. From "Interesting Facts" "Two centuries ago, imaging pioneers were only beginning to tinker with ways to capture the world around them using chemicals and light, and now cameras are embedded in our daily lives. We don’t know how many photos were taken in the 19th century, but it’s likely it was a few million at most. In 2014, it was estimated that humanity took a staggering 1 trillion photos that year, which means that every two minutes of 2014, we likely took more photos than were taken in the entire 19th century. Experts believe that the number of cameras in the world passed 45 billion in 2022 (that’s more than five cameras for every person). As cameras continue to get better while shrinking (sometimes to the size of a grain of sand), that number is only increasing, with estimates suggesting humans will take 2 trillion photos in 2025. When that happens, every single minute of the day will create more photos than an entire century of human history."