Friday, January 13, 2023

Yesterday's fun

I am being ironic. I began the day with a dentist appointment and that meant four hours without drinking anything since I had a flouride treatment. I guess it isn't surprising that I felt an immense thirst for a nice long cold glass of water. I wrote this blog yesterday so at the time of writing I have one and a half more hours to go.  A walk seemed like a good idea but it is raining quite hard.

Jim is cleaning up the basement and finding some useful items.

When I went to post this for tomorrow I see it's Friday, the 13th. I had some vague recollection that the number 13 was lucky and unlucky in France. I decided to google that and brought this up:

"France: 13 was traditionally considered a lucky number in France prior to the First World War, and was used in numerical form as a good luck symbol on postcards and charms."

I couldn't really find why it became unlucky after the First World War. I didn't look too hard.