Saturday, May 07, 2022

A very good end for the English Bay Barge

While I rather enjoyed having it around I realise it does need to be removed and so pleased to see that charities will profit as given the current economic downturn charities are suffering. "A plan is now underway to cut up and haul the iconic English Bay Barge off the shores of Sunset Beach, and you'll be able to own a piece of it. Drex from JACK 96.9 and Bob Kronbauer from Vancouver Is Awesome cooked up a plan to allow people to purchase their own piece of the thing. They have received a commitment from the owner of the barge, Sentry Marine Towing, that they will receive a piece of it which will be cut down into small chunks. Those chunks will then be numbered and made available for the public to purchase, with the proceeds going to charity."