Sunday, October 27, 2019

Quite the windstorm in Vancouver Friday

We didn't lose power...good thing as we were watching the World Series game:) but it was quite a loud storm around here. Donna and I had lunch at Biercraft in the Wesbrook Village and unbelievable  number of leaves blowing around. She had quite the  drive home.

"As I was driving home from your place, there was a huge fallen tree on west 10th about two blocks east of Alma.  It fell on top of a red mini car which was crushed! Cars were able to drive around it, single file. I kept looking up at the trees as I drove wondering if one would fall on me!"

Someone posted that they could barely stand up in the wind and saw someone trying to windsurf. This wind wouldn't deter the folks who come from all over France to windsurf in Almanerre.