Saturday, April 29, 2017

Colds arrive, cancelled plans, no fun for a while...

These wretched viruses these days.   They just don't follow a normal pattern.  I was convincing myself allergies were the problem....all these things blooming.   Maureen and I had this wonderful seat at The Sylvia basking in the sunshine yesterday and I seemed to be over whatever was brewing.   But I had a terrible night coughing,  sneezing,  etc.  Now that I'm up it doesn't seem so bad other than feeling like I've been run over by a truck since I didn't get much sleep.  Jim seems to be getting my symptoms now.  And we all know what a Man Cold is...

We were really looking forward to having dinner at Dick and Susan's tonight and going to see Maudie at International Villages and perhaps lunch in Chinatown was on the agenda for tomorrow.  Ah well...we haven't had colds for a year and at least I got my doctors and dentist appointments out of the way.

This story and images from Palm Springs brightened my day.

A pink door has become such a famous Instagram destination it was part of a Modernism Week bike tour.

Chiaozza Gardens at Coachella Music Festival.

Doug Aitken’s insanely popular installation Mirage for Desert X

A freshly painted mural by Block Shop at the Ace Hotel & Swim Club in Palm Springs
 Courtesy of Ace Hotel & Swim Club

Friday, April 28, 2017

Stephos roast lamb dinner

We hadn't had this for a while.  I just love the system.  You order by phone and they give you a number and it's ready by the time you pick it up.  No taking names,  credit cards, etc.  For around $16 including tax we get enough for the both of us...absolutely wonderful lamb.   I couldn't buy the lamb for that price at the grocery store.

Yum,  yum,  yum...

Jim's portion.

My portion.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

And another pretty sunny day...

We went to Las Margaritas with Susan and Brian today and while it wasn't quite like the Palm Springs weather we are all used to,  it wasn't too bad.  The patio wasn't open but next time it just might be!  A good time together as usual and it was great to see our favourite server.

I learned that Susan is an avid reader of Carol's blog and is very impressed with her writing and topics.  We both look forward to what she comes up with....always interesting,  good photos,  and well written.   Thanks,  Carol!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Taking advantage of a beautiful sunny afternoon

We went to the Cactus Club and had their famous chicken lettuce wrap,  then enjoyed a glass of Happy Hour red at The Sylvia,  then up to the observation deck....wonderful.

Richard and Grace come for dinner

I made it easy on myself and we just had snacks to start and Olympia Pizza.  While there is nothing quite like Bill's,  Olympia's House Special with shrimp isn't too shabby.  We had lots of laughs and it was great to see them.  Grace brought these lovely breakfast turnovers that she made from scratch...even the lemon cheese.   We are enjoying them now with our coffee and they are absolutely to die for....thank you,  Grace!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sun Run today

They did run in front of us on Lagoon Drive but no loud cheerers,  brass bands,  fog horns,  etc.  Also,  we could get out our driveway and Lagoon Drive was open to traffic at 11am.  I'm glad it didn't  rain for all these folks who participate!

Photos taken from the balcony.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Jane Austen Society

Donna invited me to attend their monthly meeting today and I really enjoyed it!  The speaker was excellent,  Dr. Scott MacKenzie from UBC, talking about the Gothic in Austen's novels.  Then there is a potluck lunch....members bring finger food and even some wine is served.  I will become a member and look forward to their monthly meetings.  I really enjoyed meeting the people who attended as well.  Pretty much everyone is very much into take SFU's Liberal Arts 55+ courses and a lot of former teachers as you would imagine.

It takes place in the Fireside Room of St. Philip's Anglican Church in Dunbar.   I was just amazed what a wonderful building this is.  It is like a country church and so perfect for talking about Jane Austen.   Before the meeting,  Donna and I got chatting to the church caretaker and learned there is even a bowling alley under the gym.

Donna with her blueberry cake....very yummy!

There were about a dozen of these Native art works (forget the artist's name) all with biblical themes.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Stanley Park...mon amour

It's a beautiful warm sunny day today and since rain is predicted for most of the days coming up I took a drive around Stanley Park before doing my grocery shopping.   It was wonderful to see all these sights that mean so much and with so many picnics,  bike riding and going to the beach as a teenager,  my first job which was as a Sun Swim Instructor.

Maureen and I are meeting at The Sylvia for Happy Hour so it will be a great walk down and a fabulous view....maybe we'll even get a table that we can bask in the sunshine a bit.

Not my photos.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Yes....that is sunshine and blue sky!

It's pretty the 60's today.  We didn't put the heat on.    As we were walking off the plane yesterday,  Jim commented that it was "fresh".  The woman in front of us got a laugh out of that and told us she was heading onto Edmonton where there had just been a blizzard...not so "fresh" there!

Nice to hear seagulls again.