In May my Canyon Sands Bookclub was going to discuss women's writing and whether there still needed to be a Woman's Literature department at universities or whether we have moved on from that. I was sorry to miss the discussion.
I've read about 100 pages of Alix Hawley's first novel "All True Not a Lie In It" and thinking that it really sounds like it was written by a man although she is a relatively young woman of 40. It was hard for me to come up with other woman writers that also didn't necessarily sound like they were women in their writing. I could really only come up with Zadie Smith who wrote her amazing first novel, "White Teeth," at the age of 25.
And then I tried to think of male writers who sound like women writing. I could only think of Alexander McCall-Smith who writes the Number One Ladies Detective series (and also other series....also, very much from what seems a woman's point of view).
I read a lot of woman writers and I very much appreciate that they give voice to woman's issues and concerns but I do really like the idea that these two young women at least are writing a different type of story. And I think real progress will be achieved when we just talk of writers without any prefix.
A few interesting side bits. Zadie Smith studied English Literature at Cambridge and Alix Hawley has a Ph. D. in English Literature from Oxford. Hawley came to my attention because Jim hired her to do a unit on "To The Lighthouse" (she is a Virginia Woolf scholar) for his open textbook project. She teaches at Okanagan College.
This novel won the in Canada First Novel Award and the BC Book Prize's Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize. She is definitely someone to watch. It's a fictional account of Daniel Boone who isn't really a figure or time period I'm particularly interested in (even though I did love playing "cowboys and Indians" as a kid...) but her writing makes for an engaging story. Apparently, she is already on contact from Knopf Canada to publish a second novel.
I did alway want a Daniel Boone "Coonskin" hat but of course, being a girl, my parents didn't like that idea so I never got one!