Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Pretty cool...

Interesting day today…Jim got this email in appreciation of the Complete Huxley Essays (6 volumes) he published and also a photo from a colleague from 1992.

From: steve sittenreich [sittenreich13@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2015 7:41 PM
To: sexton@camosun.ca
Subject: The Complete Essays of Aldous Huxley

Dear Professor,

It is now well over a decade since this miraculous set of Huxley's nonfiction hit the market. I am one of the many who are heavily in your debt.

Aldous Huxley, like Shakespeare before him, led a "life of allegory." His range as an artist was nearly unlimited and his intelligent powers seemed to have sprung up chthonically. .
For Aldous was a major author from the age of twenty. Had it not been for the disastrous impact of the double eye infection, he might have been a yet greater writer-- or he would have gotten mowed down at Paschendale or the Somme on that horrible first day.

Like Shakespeare, Huxley experienced a true organic development over long periods. Shakespeare was equally a master of verse and prose; Aldous was a master of fiction and nonfiction, short fiction and novels, biography and manifesto.

Please accept my appreciation of the work that you and Profession Baker have carried out in your  monumental scholarly achievement.

Steven G Reich Sitten
Long Island, NY

And this from a former colleague,  long retired,  at Camosun.

HI All
Every once in a while, I come across a photo from the old days that seems worthwhile making digital  This is one from 1992--September.  Sorry I don’t have email addresses for everyone here, so please do forward it if you want to……I think especially of John Stonehouse, Jim, Peter, and Debbie.  Lovely photo of Leslie, isn’t it----but I have no connection with her daughter or son in law to know where to send it…

Maybe CCARE will have a file for storing “oldies” for use in the future or for fun now….

Cheers All